Monday, July 21, 2008

New Gallery in Berlin!

Johanssen Gallery

On April 11th 2008 Pascal Johanssen and Katja Kleiss, the two initiators of the artfestival, are opening a new exhibition space in Berlin-Mitte. Convinced that the global uniformity of the marketable products and trends needs an answer from exceptional designer-artist-personalities, Johanssen and Kleiss follow the concept of a gallery, in which playfully, like in a art- and wonderchamber of the baroque, illustrations next to extraordinary gold- and silverjewellery besides glass art or seldom lamp unicums can be found.

A loose, thematically to each exhibition arranged collection of Art, Pop and Neocraft. The Showroom will be opened on April 11th 2008 at 7 p.m. with the itemized exhibition „Maskerade“ by the Berlin illustrator Olaf Hajek.

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